The benefits of integrating NHS job planning and rostering

NHS job planning and rostering are often managed in silos. Job plans set out the big picture: the activities clinicians are contracted to deliver. It is an important contractual obligation that supports service delivery, as well as professional development. Rosters apply this information to service delivery: who does what, when. Although job plans should directly inform the way rosters are created and managed, the respective systems are often disconnected, making it difficult for organisations to track planned vs actual activities, and associated staffing spend.
But what if we brought these two processes together? It’s a concept that could transform workforce management, making it smarter, faster, and more responsive to real-world needs. Exciting, right?
Turning a job plan into an everyday tools
Right now, job plans can feel like a once-a-year tick-box exercise. They’re created, and then sit in an unagile form away from ever-evolving rosters. But what if job plans became part of the daily workflow? By integrating them within the rostering system, workforce teams would have a comprehensive system where job plans actively shape the rota, ensuring planned activities line up with actual schedules, and provides full visibility in real-time of any deviances.
Instead of managers manually cross-referencing job plans to create rosters, an automated system could also handle the heavy lifting. This wouldn’t just free up admin time – it would make managing services smoother and more efficient, empowering all individuals involved.
A true 360° process
A key benefit of this integration is the ability to easily and accurately track how well job plans are being delivered.
This isn’t just about spotting gaps. It’s about using real-time information to make better decisions. For instance, if a clinician’s job plan includes two Programmed Activities (PAs) of Direct Clinical Care (DCC) per week for delivering Clinic A, but only one is being rostered due to competing demands, this discrepancy can be swiftly identified and addressed. Similarly, real-time tracking of planned versus delivered activities can highlight instances where Supporting Professional Activities (SPA) time isn’t being honoured. By taking remedial action, organisations can support clinician well-being, enhance job satisfaction, and contribute to better staff retention.Over time, this creates a clearer picture of how resources are being used, this then enables teams to deploy workers more cost-efficiently and protect professional development/ensure SPA is prioritised and honoured. With these insights, the next round of job planning can be more aligned to true service demand, more equitable across the team and more supportive of professional development.
Looking ahead
It’s about more than just schedules – it’s about creating a dynamic system that evolves with your workforce requirements. By reducing admin, improving efficiency, and giving teams the tools they need to adapt, this approach could fundamentally change how NHS organisations manage their clinical staff. While tech providers have often supported pieces of the puzzle, integrating L2P’s Job Planning solution with Patchwork Rota means we can now offer the complete picture – helping you plan, deliver, and optimise workforce management in a truly joined-up way.